Located in Torrance CA, MX Imaging is an independent developer/supplier of innovative imaging systems and imaging platforms. Our Product Portfolio includes standard or custom Image Acquisition, Image Workstation, Image Processor, Imaging Application Software and a full line of X-Ray Detectors. Applications include: RAD, Surgical C-Arms, Interventional Radiography and Fluoroscopy, CT Imaging, Dental and Industrial Imaging.

Established in 1998, our engineers are some of the industry's most experienced imaging engineers. Our Mission is to provide the most innovative and technologically advanced imaging componenents to the equipment OEMs. Our advantage is low cost, flexible development and customization for each customer, despite the common hardware/software architecture. We save the OEMs the overhead and burden of developing their own imaging system solutions, and provide consistent product improvements. We achieve this goal by becoming an extension of the OEM's team to achieve their unique imaging requirements.